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high moby

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/hi:' mohb'ee/ The high half of a 512K PDP-10's physical address space; the other half was of course the low moby. This usage has been generalised in a way that has outlasted the PDP-10; for example, at the 1990 Washington D.C. Area Science Fiction Conclave (Disclave), when a miscommunication resulted in two separate wakes being held in commemoration of the shutdown of MIT's last ITS machines, the one on the upper floor was dubbed the "high moby" and the other the "low moby". All parties involved grokked this instantly. See moby.

[Jargon File]

Nearby terms: High-level Data Link Control « high-level language « high memory area « high moby » High Performance Computing and Communications » High Performance File System » High Performance Fortran

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